A person can be ...

2022, Book , 32 pages :
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  94 copies

Summary/Review: "People are complicated, and there are lots of different ways of being. A look - both lighthearted and serious - at some of the contradictory feelings more...
Summary/Review: "People are complicated, and there are lots of different ways of being. A look - both lighthearted and serious - at some of the contradictory feelings and personality traits that make humans so fascinating! Can you be both brave and afraid? Naughty and nice? Wrong and sorry? Loved and lonely? Different and the same? A Person Can Be ... explores a complexity of emotions and personality traits in a simple and lighthearted way that validates feelings, fosters emotional intelligence/EQ and showcases diversity. With insight and humour, this philosophical picture book looks at emotions, physical attributes and personality traits, and the way contradictory qualities can reside in one person."-
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