New Children's Books
Find the right books for your child's age and reading level.
Picture books for younger children
Birth to age 5 or 6
Illustrated books with no text at all, simple sentences, or more advanced text. Includes alphabet books, counting books, and books teaching concepts.
Beginning readers
Age 6 to 7 (Grades 1 and 2)
Books for very early (emergent) readers - these are illustrated books with widely-spaced print and basic, repetitive vocabulary to help kids who are new to reading develop and practise their skills.
Easy-to-read stories
Age 7 to 8 and older (Grades 2 to 3)
"Easy-to-read stories" are for children who are ready to start reading chapter books. These books have some illustrations (often in black and white) and use a larger print size than chapter books for older readers.
Picture books for older children
Age 7 and up (Grade 2 and up)
Children love to be read to, even when they've outgrown the simpler picture books. These books have more text, tell more complex stories, and require a longer attention span.
Fiction for older children
Age 9 and up (Grade 4 and up)
Chapter books for older children.
Children's graphic novels
All ages
Graphic novels and comics for children of all ages.
Children's nonfiction
All ages
Information books for children of all ages.